Internet of Things is a current trend that even though has been publicly spoken for the most companies is still a big unknown. Our clients endeavor to use their potential, to revitalize their product or to design a new one, however, they often do not know where to start or how to proceed with such a development. As an example, companies providing energy management that search for the most efficient way how to gain information from terminal could be mentioned.
We have a competence to identify a suitable transmission layer from the IoT family. By battery powered modules we can read every measuring device that dispose a communication interface, and this is how we extend its function of wireless communication.
Benefit for the customer
All-embracing delivery of IoT solutions – from hardware development, firmware to visualization platform and data analysis. We offer our know-how in the form of knowledge in the field of IoT technologies and the newest trends, identification of suitable transmission layer, identification of suitable combination of transmission technologies and in case of necessity also building and revitalization of transmission layer. By actively involving of the customer in the implementation and continuous verification operation, a tailor solution has been created. The customer could concentrate on the outcome and the technical part of the solution could leave on their partner – ZAT.
OBJECTS - Quality of internal spaces monitoring
As internal spaces we consider spaces where we spend time. A lot of time. It could be schools, offices, shopping centers, conference halls or compartments in trains.
State now
Most of the internal spaces is equipped with technologies to improve comfort nowadays. Heat sources, ventilation, air conditioning units, humidifiers. Most of these sources is controlled by a weekly schedule or manually by remote control or otherwise.
In the 21st century and via highly available sensors, we could give technologies ability to control themselves. And this could be done based on information about current state of the room or space.
Making smart („Smartening “)
A sensor or sensors located in a room give us an overview of current temperature, humidity. CO2 state, number of people in the room, noise, occupancy of the room, open or close doors and windows. All these data could be displayed in a chart. Or they could be used for management and optimization of indoor climate.
WHY do we do this?
We improve indoor quality, perception of participants in the room, we have an overview about occupancy of the room, we detect non-standard events, we SAVE, we possess a competitive advantage and we are more attractive in providing of spaces then our competitors.
POSITION - Tracking
Tracking of position and speed, monitoring of running hours of a car or device, complex data for a journey log. There are dozens of hardware and software tracking tools. None costs less then 120EUR.
Modules built on IoT technologies do not record the route continuously. However, they provide use information about location, about change of location of the tracked object, information about undesirable shakes, information about leaving of the object outside detected area, they alert to rough handling with the object and find the lost object with accuracy. With battery-powered supply, they can communicate for years and their installation takes only minutes.
Any transported material, operated machines with the need for their supervision not only in the Czech Republic, monitoring of shipping containers, monitoring of transport sets, ..
HEALTH - Healtcare
Bed capacity in the number of thousands of beds. Qualified staff in the number of hundreds.
Disproportion of forces spread between staff and patients. This is also a topic that could be cured by using IoT technology.
What can be measured?
In the rooms we could monitor temperature, humidity, patient position, air quality, noise, intensity of light, movement of a patient in the room, open/closed windows and doors. All those criteria can be monitored by a battery-powered sensor placed on the wall of the room.
What do we get?
Serving staff cannot be present by all patients at the same time. The monitoring of the described conditions can provide information about actions on the rooms and inform the staff about non-standard events. The platform cannot replace a qualified nurse but can contribute to improving patient’s assistance and medical services.
PIPELINES - Distribution networks
Thousands of kilometers of gas, oil, steam and water pipelines. On all the distribution stations have been fasten hundreds of technologies controlling transfer points, regulation points, wiring and safety of monitoring elements. Hundreds of kilometers of hot water pipes are insulated with metal covering that is a target of metal thieves. The pipeline is not just a pipe, but plenty of kilometers of technology outside the installation.
Many technological elements have been already communicated by available wired or wireless technologies. Other relevant information has been collected by visual inspection or based on reported failures. In connection with the supervision of intact insulation, drones with a thermal imager to detect heat leaks have also been used in difficult terrain. IoT tools can become a great help also in this type of industry.
IoT technologies can significantly contribute to improved monitoring of distribution networks. In favor of technology, the noticeable affordability, the quality of coverage by the Sigfox and NB IoT signal, the ease of installation without the need for power. In combination with the visualization platform SimONet, it is possible to deliver a comprehensive product for dispatching supervision of measured data on flow, pressure, temperature, leaks, status of return nozzles and condition of the whole technology.