Roadmap – as time went by
May 2023
- Coloring alarm conditions in the plan using any alarm value
- Default time filter for any dashboard
April 2023
- Chester Hardwario driver - for the new generation of IO devices
- Acrios driver
March 2023
- ModBus driver
- Action scenarios (calendar-based control)
- UDP driver for receiving data from ZAT ATEX sensors
February 2023
- Liibrary of technical solutions - automatic creation of visualization (from devices to graphs)
- New data filtering and search options
- OTE communication interface
December 2022
- MQTT driver
- IEC104 driver
- REST API interface
- Data export to Excel file (.xlsx)
October 2022
- Automatic generation of reports to PDF
- Notification of users via SMS
- Voltage potential graph
September 2022
- New generation SimONet - customer and service application
July 2022
- Migration of customers to the new generation of the application
June 2022
- New generation SimONet - beta version
March 2022
- Sending SMS notifications
October 2021 - January 2022
- SimONet service application for local parameterization of sensors via Bluetooth
September 2021
- Controlling access to the application using active direktory
July 2021
- Generating documents for invoicing services
June 2021
- Editing the map view (graphical objects)
- Editing the graph display
- New functions of the service section
May 2021
- Improved control interface on mobile phones
- Possibility of mass notification receipts
- New value display functions - dynamic mapping of values to icons and colors, more variables in the graph
April 2021
- Editing the graphics of the text inserted into the plan (font, font color, thickness, transparency of the text background)
March 2021
- Option to display and set the second axis (Y) in the graph
- Change the title of the application
- Entering the coefficient for the measured value in the graph and the possibility of assigning a color to a specific curve of the measured value
- Display of multiple curves in one graph and the possibility of assigning a color to a specific curve of the measured value
February 2021
- Option to display metadata in the plan
- Modification of the parameterization form
- Dynamic notifications
January 2021
- Guide tour of applications in Czech and English
- Adjusting the calendar (beginning of the week according to the selected language)
October 2020
- Automatic sending of reports
September 2020
- Setting the geographic location of the section
- Main screen
August 2020
- Control and parameterization of the end device
- Multiplication of the displayed value by a coefficient
- Extension of the time interval display of the chart
- Editing the default setting of the time window
- Display of the selected icon in the settings of notifications, sections and graphs
- Displaying values in the form of a tile
- Tiles with the increment value in the given time interval
July 2020
- Display of values above the map and the possibility to display them
- Filter in notification settings active/inactive
- Editing user account management settings in the Simonet application (silver, gold, platinum)
June 2020
- Statistics module
- Processing timestamps on aggregated data
- User chart style setting and description change
- Integration of new sensors
May 2020
- Multilingual SimONet application (CZ, ENG, FR, DE)
- Activation/deactivation of notification depending on time
April 2020
- Activation/deactivation of notification depending on time
March 2020
- Display values over background version2
February 2020
- Integration of new sensors
January 2020
- Communication connectivity with the Narrowband transmission layer
- Creation of the SimONet portal
- Assigning a notification to one or more devices
- Sorting notifications and categorizing notifications according to priority
- Notes (additional text) for notifications
- Mandatory comment for notifications
- Remote notifications (e-mail)
- Inserting information and values into notifications
- View notification history
- Logging of notification editing history
- User settings of notification icons
- Messages displayed in the notification center (Windows, Android)
- Displaying the customer's logo in the workspace
- Communication connectivity with IQRF transport layer, Lora Private
- Creation of Simonet cloud application
- Notification center
- Display of measured values in graphs
- A set of parsers for selected sensors
- Communication connectivity with Sigfox backend, Lora ČRA